
Home/Heather Dugmore

About Heather Dugmore

Heather Dugmore was born and raised in Johannesburg. She has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from Rhodes University, South Africa. She operates between her base in the Eastern Cape and her office in Johannesburg. Her writing reflects the diversity of her experience: from humour to environmental conservation to business to academic research. Heather contributes to leading newspapers, magazines, universities and corporates. She has produced, managed and edited content in all its multimedia forms – including books, features, photographs, websites, magazines, publications, reports, newsletters and brochures.

    A future for a very different world

    By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 16th, 2016|Profiles|

     Heather Dugmore speaks to Wits alumnus Koos Bekker about communication, China and transition. Markets ebb and flow, but one constant that Naspers Chair Koos Bekker understands is that people need to connect with one another and the world. “Communication technology has transformed the globe in two short decades,” he says. “For example: of the businesses [...]

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      A Man called Mukovhe

      By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 16th, 2016|Profiles|

      Wits alumnus and SRC President (2010/11), Mukovhe Morris Masutha, is helping hundreds of students from rural areas and townships throughout South Africa to succeed at university. Mukovhe Masutha well deserves the title of Wits Graduate – his qualities of commitment, humanity and intelligence extend far beyond himself and his achievements. In 2010, while he was [...]

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        For Whom The Bells Ring

        By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 16th, 2016|Features|

          Heritage. Whose heritage? Why preserve Heritage? These are major issues in contemporary South Africa and something that Wits alumnus James Ball (BA Hons 2011; MA 2012) daily explores. “Joburg is my spiritual home. I love this city. I love walking the streets, exploring the city and finding its hidden heritage secrets,” says James Ball, [...]

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          Perceptions and realities in a time of elections

          By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 16th, 2016|Features|

          Michael Elions polycarbonate artwork of Sunglasses, dedicated to Nelson Mandela, at Sea Point, Cape Town. The piece controversially co-funded by Ray-Ban is considered to be in poor taste by some. Image Jayne Haywood. 21.03.15 - Rhythms of South Africa   Perceptions of South Africa wildly fluctuate from hope and excitement to fear and [...]

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            Climbing Mountains Changing Capitalism

            By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 16th, 2016|Features|

            Nic Kohler, Wits alumnus (BSc 1993) and the CEO of the Hollard Insurance Group, talks to Heather Dugmore about alpine challenges and the need for business and capitalism to change. We all know that accident and health insurance is really only tested in complex, bizarre situations, and who better to attest to this than Nic [...]

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              Creative Feel editorial ACT & Nedbank Arts Affinity May 2016 620 words

              By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

              40 years of talent and revelation The year was 1976, the month was June, and as the Market Theatre prepared for its eagerly awaited opening on 19 June, the national youth uprising exploded on 16 June. It is forever branded on our minds through Sam Nzima's image of Hector Pieterson. In memory of June 1976 and in [...]

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                By Invitation – Should Meat Be On The Menu

                By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Sustainability|

                SHOULD MEAT BE ON THE MENU? In an interview by Heather Dugmore Australian agricultural journalist David Mason-Jones addresses what every farmer and environmentalist needs to know about livestock and global warming in his recently published book ‘Should meat be on the menu?’ The cattle industry in South Africa and many other parts of the world [...]

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                  Veld-raised beef ­ good for your health, good for the planet

                  By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Farming|

                  If you worry about what is in the food you eat and the rate at which we are destroying our planet then veld-raised/grass fed/free range beef is a good option for you. Journalist and cattle farmer Heather Dugmore explains why. This morning I was up at dawn checking on the cattle and watching the first [...]

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                    Farming wild flowers

                    By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Sustainability|

                    Cape flowers for pleasure, profit, employment and the green economy We need to look to the earth beneath our feet to see the riches of our land. This could not be more evident than in the smallest, richest floral kingdom in the world, the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), also known as the Cape Floral Kingdom. [...]

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                      The Art of Africa

                      By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

                      African art is an internationally recognised discourse that has, in the main, been written by non-African scholars from Europe and North America. Prof Ruth Simbao is focusing on changing this through a new DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa, launched in January this year. “The fact that much of what is [...]

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