
Home/Heather Dugmore

About Heather Dugmore

Heather Dugmore was born and raised in Johannesburg. She has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from Rhodes University, South Africa. She operates between her base in the Eastern Cape and her office in Johannesburg. Her writing reflects the diversity of her experience: from humour to environmental conservation to business to academic research. Heather contributes to leading newspapers, magazines, universities and corporates. She has produced, managed and edited content in all its multimedia forms – including books, features, photographs, websites, magazines, publications, reports, newsletters and brochures.

Witsie becomes a roaring success in Tinseltown

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00October 15th, 2013|Profiles|

On the wall behind Wits alumnus Gary Barber’s desk in Hollywood is a giant image of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s roaring lion that was filmed for the logo. It’s fitting that a man from Africa should be leading a company that is synonymous with the iconic lion. In this Q&A we speak to chartered accountant Barber about life [...]

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Deaf by stakeholder

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00October 15th, 2013|Sustainability|

On a recent flight I sat next to a politician who operates in the energy sector. Seizing the captive hour, I asked her why, when the oil sheikhs are allocating vast revenues to developing renewable energy technologies and building renewable energy cities like Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, are other governments still banging [...]

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Food fascism or food security: the pros and cons of Monsanto and GM maize

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00October 15th, 2013|Sustainability|

I keep picturing Snow White’s apple when I see Genetically Modified (GM) maize or mielies as we call them. If you see them ripening in the fields they are beautiful. They grow tall and strong and each cob is perfectly formed. Just like Snow White’s apple. […]

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One of the World’s Greatest Plants

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00October 15th, 2013|Columns|

Botanical name: Aloe ferox Common name: bitter aloe, umhlaba (Xhosa). In 330BC when Alexander the Great conquered the Island of Socotra off the coast of Somalia, his aim was to seize control of the aloe trade for strategic military reasons. […]

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Private to public, road to rail the future of low carbon transport in SA

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00August 29th, 2013|Sustainability|

In our cities we have to move away from private cars towards public transport. In our freight transport we have to move from the roads back to the rails. How can this be achieved in a society where the first item people want to buy when they start earning more is a motor vehicle and [...]

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Winds of change for SA’s fruit industry

By |2020-03-05T06:07:46+00:00August 29th, 2013|Sustainability|

South Africa has approximately 4500 export fruit growers who are coming together under one body to consolidate an industry that is based on sound, internationally benchmarked social, ethical and environmental principles. […]

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