
Home/Heather Dugmore

About Heather Dugmore

Heather Dugmore was born and raised in Johannesburg. She has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from Rhodes University, South Africa. She operates between her base in the Eastern Cape and her office in Johannesburg. Her writing reflects the diversity of her experience: from humour to environmental conservation to business to academic research. Heather contributes to leading newspapers, magazines, universities and corporates. She has produced, managed and edited content in all its multimedia forms – including books, features, photographs, websites, magazines, publications, reports, newsletters and brochures.

Gyrocopter in the Karoo to gather first-time data

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Sustainability|

At the end of September 2016 a gyrocopter will start flying over the Eastern Cape part of the Karoo, with an instrument on board that will survey the rock down to one kilometre.  It will fly at a height of 40 metres above the ground along a 10 000 km survey line, straddling the districts [...]

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Dolphin feature for the Weekend Post

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Sustainability|

“You are out there in the middle of hundreds of dolphins and it is amazing and overwhelming. The water is literally boiling with dolphins and gannets and you have to remind yourself that you are there for a reason - to gather data on these animals about which very little is known.” Dr Stephanie Plön [...]

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Tackling Crime on the High Seas feature

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Sustainability|

“Sea fisheries crime is a major, international, moving crime that involves vast amounts of illegal fish and seafood, including high profile, white-collar crime syndicates, and a lot of other issues, including human and drug trafficking,” says South Africa’s Professor Hennie van As, a global specialist on sea fisheries and related organised crime, who is collaborating [...]

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Weekend Post – Software City – Port Elizabeth Rising

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

Port Elizabeth is rapidly rising as a software development city. Companies with headquarters in other South African and international cities are opening offices or expanding their base here for a number of reasons, including the lower cost of property and rentals, the quality of life and the pipeline of graduates who are skilled in software development, [...]

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Rhodos Prof Edkins and Dr Veale

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

Sometimes two brilliant minds find each other in such specific research areas that it makes real the possibility of aligned mental pathways actively seeking each other in the universe. Such is the coming together of two Rhodes academics: Professor Adrienne Edkins and Dr Clint Veale, who are working on novel drug research for cancer in [...]

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The Conversation Africa

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

The Editor and founder of The Conversation Africa is Rhodes Journalism & Media Studies alumna, Caroline Southey. Her team works with academics and researchers to present their work online in an accessible, journalistic style. The Conversation Africa launched on 7 May 2015 in Joburg as a new independent source of information and analysis from the [...]

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Comrades Coach Parry

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 12th, 2016|Features|

Rhodes alumnus Lindsey Parry is the coach behind Charné Bosman and Caroline Wöstmann who took first and second place at the 2016 Comrades Marathon. He talks to Heather Dugmore about elite athletes and developing the potential of high school learners from disadvantaged environments. Top South African distance running coach, Lindsey Parry, is committed to ensuring [...]

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Gcina Mhlophe ­ Honorary Doctorate Rhodes University 2014

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 11th, 2016|Profiles|

A much bigger world out there Celebrated South African storyteller, author, poet, actress, playwright and director, Gcina Mhlophe, has travelled the world, sharing her stories. On receipt of an Honorary Doctorate from Rhodes University on the 11 April this year, she explains that of all the experiences and awards her rich life has offered, she [...]

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Professor Neil Turok – Honorary Doctorate Rhodes University 2014

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 11th, 2016|Profiles|

Nurturing an African Einstein Professor Neil Turok’s goal is to unlock and nurture mathematical and scientific talent across Africa, so that within our lifetime we are celebrating an African Einstein. On the 10 April, at the 2014 graduation ceremony, Rhodes University proudly conferred an Honorary Doctorate on him. Johannesburg-born cosmologist and theoretical physicist Professor Neil [...]

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Dr Sydney Brenner – Honorary Doctorate Rhodes University 2014

By |2020-03-05T06:07:42+00:00October 11th, 2016|Profiles|

A World Created Mostly in One’s Head Life-changing breakthroughs in the genetic code and human genome are part of Dr Sydney Brenner’s work, for which he received a Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine. Rhodes University conferred an Honorary Doctorate on Dr Brenner on the 12 April at the 2014 graduation ceremony. At the age of 87 [...]

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